I own a mini, original. I've been told that if I join a Mini Owners Club, that will help lower my premium as it shows I'm interested in the preservation of the vehicle, and don't want to rag the...
My Neighbour has put up a 6 foot panel fence in his front garden, it is made up of this bamboo screening material, it is right outside my lounge window, I have asked him to remove it, as it is an...
I own a coppiced wood land and am looking for a breed of sheep that will keep the grass down but not eat the new shoot growth of the coppice. Anyone know of such a breed?
We've been doing some garden "landscaping" as a few things were rotting (the garden shed, some existing plants) and having taken them down, have now exposed ourselves to our neighbours houses as our...
Walking through the trees in the park I've noticed there's a lot of white fluffy stuff on the ground, it's also blowing in the breeze. It looks a bit like cotton wool. What tree would this white...
i have a row of conifers at the bottom of my garden they have had the tops cut out and are now about 7ft, but i want to get rid of them and put up a fence, what is the best way to do this? can i buy...
Hello my husband and i are struggling to pay our crdeitors each month. We have contacted the national debt line and have been advised to set up a debt managment plan with them. I understand its not...
How does a inverter convert 12v DC to 220v AC? Some inverters are capable of handling up to 2000W equipment needs which at 220v is a current of some 9A. Most cigarette lighter circuits in a car have a...
I bought a Bonsai tree I got it home I realised that there wasn't a tag on it with the name of the tree. There was a tag on it which tells you how to look after it that state's it's origin: Guangdong...
I have Ivy taking over the back wall of my house over 3 storeys and is almost at the roof. Does any one know if it's possible to kill Ivy from the roots? Or do you have any other suggestions? Many...
Any ideas? My neighbours are growing fast and furious and the council won't help. I was wondering about leaning over the fence one night and pouring something on the roots....
Think this is the right category,our next door neighbours have two big trees in their front garden,they are both,shall we say,2 sandwiches short of a picnic,(the people not the trees)anyway we've...
i have a 30meter long hedge of mostly elm trees, the entire length of it has been invaded with ivy which i think has killed 2 of the trees. What is the best way of dealing with this & killing the...