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Duke & Duchess announced they are expecting a baby.
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WHO tonight in your opinion will be voted Queen of the jungle? I would like Charlie Brooks to be Queen. jem...
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Anyone got a recipe for homemade mince meat i.e. for filling mince pies etc?
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Can I use slo-cooker for this sort of rice? If so, how? Many thanks.
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Did anyone watch this? I enjoyed it, a light family programme with no sex, drugs or any nastiness. It's nice to see love taking place at our age!
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Sad to hear Brian has left the jungle as he has been taken ill, anyone know what is wrong?
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Hypnosis, therapy....or did she simply just pull herself together? Or was she faking it up until this bushtucker trial, in a bid to be crowned Queen Of The Jungle? Personally, I'm suspicious!
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Other than a rennie (or similar product) what can I do to get rid of this indegestion. Whenever I eat too much bread I get it...... I have no milk either and cant leave work grrrrr!!
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Any news on the proposed joint visit to the Birmingham Market? I don't know that we can go (it's a long way for us) but it would be good to think about it.
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Whats the meaning of God's Silence ....
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I have heard a rumour that you can buy a return train ticket from anywhere to anywhere for £18.50. Does anyone no if this is true or not, if so please let me now how i get them, as i want to go...
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This news story is a little old, but has just been forwarded to me. The BBC ran a story on its online site about Orlando Cruz, the first professional boxer to come out as gay. It's a nicely written...
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Was it just me or did I hear , on the rolling news channel BBC, the reader refer to the 'arrival of the Prince and Princess of Wales.' yesterday. About time too, I thought, and hope they won't be...
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So whos looking forward to the next few weeks leading up to the grand day? well this is what you will be hearing. First off it will be on your local news ther will be a shortage of sprouts, so what?...
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i think i'll just give up1 This time, they didn't even rise to a dome - just little discs!! I did buy the flour from the cheapo shop, an unknown brand - could it be that?...
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You may think it a great joke but it isn't really funny to have to stand and humour a couple of clearly deluded women. I know I should have invited them in and explained that my faith was the true way...
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My wife and I recently visited London and one of the many fascinating places we visited was the National History Museum. The magnificence of this architectural triumph cannot be overstated and neither...
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I've just got a second hand BT Broadband hub 2.0 to replace an existing older hub, but when I plug it into the line filter the broadband light alternates between red and orange and it won't go blue....
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Great show. Loved all three (very different) finalists. Happy with the winner but any of them were good enough to win.
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anyone got any good chicken curry recipes they would care to share with me, thanks

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