I've bought this from Amazon to take a signal from SCART output on a set-top box, to HDMI input on a television. Result: okay, but not 100 per cent. Is there a better version (maybe pricier, this was...
I'm sure I've asked before but can't find it. Had email to say my box is full. I think they mean the sent box, I checked and nearly 2500 messages in there. Tried to delete but can only do it one by...
Apparently, people are 'outraged' (again)....
Does Japanese have similar punctuation to English? And is it taken as part of the syllables in a Haiku? In English, "We danced, we drank" could be seen as FIVE syllables, at least in terms of metrical...
I've tried asking this in Chatterbank, with no response, so II'm trying it here instead! I want a remote control toy, a car, a robot, something that jumps about and makes a noise, but it must have an...
I'm looking for a noisy, jumping remote controlled toy car or similar, main criteria being that it must have an on/off switch ON THE REMOTE. I bought one on ebay, but you have to switch it off at the...
I am nearly blind, and have my Mac in reverse - so I get white type on a black background. Except that I DON'T, Even here, there is a dirty great reversed out block on the top right saying 'view all...
I have a loud and rather alarming mechanical-sounding 'clunk' coming from somewhere around the front driver's-side wheel of my Saab 900. It only happens at low speed, when setting off/parking etc, and...
and everybody is R.I.P.ing Anybodys death is sad (especially when so young) but why the grief? More people have died under the Conservative government's 'austerity' measurements. Don't see many people...
Went to do recycling this morning. There was an elderly chap there with his car. The boot was full. Im sure he used it as a dustbin. It was full of loose bottles, empty food containers, left over...
Do men always want just one thing? Someone I know has been talking to a very rich man and this man has offered to take her to lots of lovely places and give her loads of gifts.He says on the phone...
I know money isn't everything. I know some people say it's the root of all evil & wars. I know money cannot always buy happiness. (Although Tara Palmer-Tomkinson says that anyone who says money can't...