a very touchy subject i know, but this clinic which helps and has helped many women who suffer from fgm, is set to close, you would think that they need more not less....
am i being naive when watching the news on the drought situation that is occurring across Africa, why the inhabitants continue on having more babies. when all you can see if distressed, dying infants...
Paul had a bad day today on The Chase think he was helping contestants to get through didn't know From choice of authors that Agatha Christie was By The Pricking Of My Thumbs!!
for 2 weeks, is what a doctor told me yesterday, as it was on the low side, about 105/70. Its just my opinion, but I have been on Lisinopril for years, so wouldn't it be better if it was every other...
I don't like The new package on the new silkcut silver I don't like and the cigarettes it's self is not the same it's given me a sore throat the tabbco is stronger, why would they change it? It's a...
Having recently had a problem with an extremely heavy but reliable washing machine (a Miele), which is NOT built-in, but would take a strong gorilla to pull out of its place in the kitchen, plus it's...
My friends rang me and asked the following: Her sister in law has just told her that her brother ( my friends brother) is in a drying out clinic as he is an alcoholic and he has been drinking between...
I have seen USB adaptor cables, for example normal male to mini male advertised on eBay as being for specific use with named items, such as a camera, a GSP device, a mobile phone, each named as a...
How long does it take to upgrade to 9.something. ? Mine's been upgrading for the last 1 & 1/2 hrs & all I now have is the 'apple' logo on the screen & it seems locked up. .I can't even switch it off!...
have osteo arthritis in both knees, and walking is something i am find very difficult. the physio says i am better than i think, but she can't see me now absolutely shattered after taking a longish...
Washing machine says 'Check Drain', and red light comes on. Any tips for trying to clear the out pipe from OUTSIDE? Inside might be simpler, but heavy kitchen fittings make the job v.hard for disabled...
It is said that it is safer for the women of Iraq, than it is for the women of Stockholm.
Is there any high level questioning of the prevalence of ADHD diagnoses, any doubts by psychiatric professionals? I ask as 50 years ago in the bottom stream of my grammar school we were all...
I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was shocked at what I spend weekly - she said hers was at least double! So I told her that I do a weeks menu for evening meals every single week ( doesn't...