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alli mac

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Just been announced that he has just died. Should it be such big news? Do you care? Expect everyone has wide and varied opinions.
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Im looking to buy a dress like the ones Kimberly from Girls Aloud usually wears. They usually have a couple of straps across her stomach. Anyone Know where I can get one from? Ive tried ASOS but they...
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Is anyone out there still watching it?
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And have you got my share?
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Where can I find a copy of 'December will be magic' by Kate Bush
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Why do boybands have to look gormlessly into the camera in a vain attempt to send pre pubescent girls into a frenzy,dont they realize that they actually look like gormless teenage male models with...
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does anybody here like snoopy
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kills himself after nanna moon dies at christmas, but did the papers have to tell us all
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alli mac
Just in the middle of watching The hunt for the yorkshire ripper and who turns up only Kimberley Walsh from Girls Aloud playing the coppers kid, i always thought she went straight from the cafe to pop...
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if you could choose one show to be permanently cancelled what would it be... and what would you get the actors /presenters to do as their next job
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  Could you tell me which town or city Brum is filmed?. Been watching it with the kids and do not recognise the area.
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what is the date of their hotly anticipated return?
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alli mac
What on earth was going through his head to put chicco through? ok the girls were  awful and were so out of tune but god put them through anyday before that joker, this has to be a fix for...
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Oh well, here goes, whos going out then? Surely its got to be Chico !!!!
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Mine is Mariah Carey - All I want for Christmas
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Anyone think they've chosen the evntual winner yet? I reckon Philip McGee (Louis's group) will win. I think his old-fashioned country 'n' western style could have mass appeal, especially with older...
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Was at a boot sale today,and at the end of it,got a Darmouth Pottery jug, 18 batteries and a lovely bedroom rug for ?2 50 in total! anyone else love boot sales?
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cat woman
....... here in Hertfordshire and its raining cats and dogs!........ whats it like where you are?   :-)
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Anybody got any music that makes them feel really good when they hear it?
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Can anybody tell me why the Welsh think they are so great? Perhaps they are, perhaps they ain't.

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