OK I have completed the grid but I cannot find the next step. Can anyone give me a clue (not the solution) to where I should be looking. Also I have 26A but I can find no reference to any murder...
This is third question in a series of six questions, running for 6 weeks, in a comp to win a library of books from from the Penguin book site and I am stuck. The question is: What is the Mysterious...
OK . I see the relavance of the answers I have received in relation to ' can a caution be quashed ' but in my mind i am struggling to understand the fact there was no evidence of a theft, but due to...
Could be Mr Powers at the racecourse. Mr Blackadder put his name to this one. Found in the information denied to many. Only par but a win anyway. This dancer was fairly young. Cardinal with a sting in...
I would like to visit my brother in sarasota usa this year but i have a criminal record it dosent consist of any violent or fire arms charges can i visit the usa?
I need a word which links the following (can go either before or after the word shown) tax, French, envelope vision, wind, disease white, rogue, grass red, white, lettuce Many thanks for any help.
Hi. Any ideas on the following please!!!! They are all tv programmes. 1. daft competitions 5,5 2. am i truthful? 4,2,5 3. your payday or mine 3,2,4 4. the pain is back 5,5 5. beware of the guard's...