18th century Irish playwright and whig statesman (7,8,8) Character invented by 18th century Irish playwright and whig statesman whose name has become part of the English language (8) Period of...
I am puzzled because quite often the same answer (eg "pupa"), and virtually the same clue, appears in different crosswords within a few days of each other. Why is this? Do the setters work for more...
Hello peeps, Only 2 to go now... 21D Hanging is well prefixed here (6) E _ R_ _ _ 25A Genuine wrinkle for listener (5) _ _ K_ A Also, got 16D but can anyone explain the clue - is Mar a girls name??...
only 3 left. 15a Acceptance speech to shellfish-I'm not sure....(7) ?e???m? Could it be meseems, and if so, why shellfish? 13d Fruity food in piece of church soap, possibly (6,4) ????e?/ cake. If I...
Stuck on last four. 4D Type that's not genuine about fighting? (6) C???R? 14A British comedian, particularly good example to follow as joker (11) ??S?C???K?R 7D With no difficulty, king pierces...
Can anyone please help me, this stinker is proving to be a REAL STINKER, would be grateful for any help, clues, 63d Plagarised (>>R>T>D),71d Full of meaning (G>A>I>),115a...
46D a submerged sandbank containing pebbles silt & shingle visible at low tide **o*l 45A Term for two points in the orbit of a satellite nearest & furthest from the sun a*s** Thank you in advance
12A Quiz champion collapsed on walk round lake (4-3) 4D Switch radar on to guard middle of some old thoroughfare (5,4) 21D Stylish Georgia stands out for me in bar(7)