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can I buy tobacco or cigarettes in the eu as gifts for family and friends
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I'm looking for a pretty small gadget that projects the time on the wall. Have tried gadget shop, argos etc but they are all digital projections and I really want one with a clock face and preferably...
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where is she
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Shurely shome mishtake! When will the Scottish media realise that there are other countries in the UK and stop building up the hopes of a no-hoper? They seem to think they have some god-given right to...
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My Dyson DC04 keeps maing an awful screeching noise whenever I try to switch to AUTO BRUSH ON. It seems ok with BRUSH OFF but that's no good! I've checked all of the pipes and there's no blockage. I...
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A friend of mine bought a Dell Dimension Computer recently. Her son put in a password but forgot it. She cant get into her computer now unless she calls out someoneone from Dell...expensive any help
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Can any one tell me how to use limewire i downloaded it but when i try and search nothing appears, i have read the help guide but nothing seems to work, what is this bearware i keep hearing about,...
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water is leaking from where the cold water hose screws onto the pipe. But water is only leaking when the washing machine is spinning out waste water - what would cause this?
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ford escort power steering fluid. the stuff i have just now is ESP M2C-166-H. The book says it should be ESD M2C 186-A. Will it do any harm?
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I was sent a document from canada, it came in rtf. how do i change to a windows document so that it makes sense in microsoft wordword
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do all petrol cars have plugs
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Does your central heating need to be off to bleed the air from it
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what is leather
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Hi, I'm going to Benalmadena via Malaga Airport soon and I was wondering if there is a tabac shop before you go through to the duty free area. The reason for asking is, I dont want to be humping my...
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How is tiny, little tug able to pull a vast liner or ship which is 30 times its weight? Also, why use a tug at all, what's wrong with using the main engines on the ship?
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i am getting married next march,i would like to use my late mothers wedding ring,which is gold,it is very old a quite thin,i would like to know if i can have it coated in white gold or silver,my...

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