40d. please.Less-commonly used name of the capital of Mongolia (4,5) U?A?B?T?R.
I can only think of Ulan Bator, so what is the less commonly used name?...
Unsure of two- help appreciated. 27d. Political union- one set up on small island(6). ?N?S??
39ac. Oddly, a set of gold barriers to hold back water(10).?L?O?P?T??...
18ac. Department seems impartial in conflict (5-9).A?P?S?A?I???E?
5d.One name cropping up whentaking in rubbish such as celbrities(10).
Help appreciated...
Help with top right corner please. 5ac. Decline seconds, not ready? (6). ?U?S?? 8d. Travel at leisure: device saving time and energy (6). ??O?L?. The last letter of 5 coincides with the first of 8's....