Stuck on two-help appreciated.52d. Form of lyric poem invented by Archilochus
55d.French for cobbles ,famed in theParis-Roubaix cycle race(4). ?A?E...
Stuck on two-help please. 32ac.Financial arrangement not so onerous when supplied with pounds (7). L???I?.
29d.Trained kid at rehearsal -- great waste (8,6). ???A?A?I?E?E?T...
Help with two please. 18d.A hint of starlight in the middle of boring astronomical object(6). ???S?R.
19a. Garment suitable for one in spring(6).???P?R...
Confirmation and explanations for two please. 1d. Bright spot on screen with black edge(4). B?I? BRIM? 27a.Shade found behind trees on a sunny day?(3,4).S?Y?L?E. SKY BLUE? I see B-rim but why "bright...