Getting cramp in my calves isn't unusual for me. It tends to happen in the morning while I'm still in bed - I often get woken up by the muscles tensing and can get out of bed and remedy before full-on...
im currentley on bail for a sec18 gbh with out the intent wat happened was i was dwn my local pub enjoyin the singer thay had there it was goin fine all night until the end me and my gf was sittin up...
Hi, the computer has suddenly started yelling ' System Failed CPU test' over and over again. It did this once before and my Dad did something to it but he's in the Ukraine at the moment so can't...
have bought a Panasonic three handset phones as the old phone had gone west, this is for a landline, and can't make out why when press the button to make a call it gives a busy signal, no idea if it's...
Really enjoy watching the IPL despite ITV4's abysmal, commercial break laden coverage, but was just wondering... at regular intervals there's an evidently pre-recorded fanfare which generally gets a...
At long last it appears a tougher line is going to be taken: As I began reading this I feared that one of the most...
It has all become clear to me now - This is why I keep being deported from religious countries! Its because the religious police view me as too handsome, too greater a temptation to the virtue of all...
I used to use Nitro PDF as it was free (no longer free, alas). The online converter does still exist but it just failed - twice - to convert a pretty straightforward Word doc; just a crossword grid...
Anyone watching? I've just started watching but I am having trouble even looking at one of the male competitors. He looks like his face has been moulded (badly), his eyebrows are strange and he...
I'm trying to get back into my own account with a parcel firm. I've been trying for 2 days and I'm going round and round in circles. Now I have noticed something that says I must have cookies enabled....
I kid you not. My apartment is on the first floor of a 3-storey block, thus my bathroom is immediately below that of the apartment above. The apartments were built and kitted out pretty much the same,...
Having just uploaded a video, YouTube has invited me to allow it to stabilise shakiness. The original is in fact pretty good, but I'm wondering if YouTube's stabilisation gives good results?
I'm not sure whether or not to open an e-mail from as the first few words state that they have an appointment with me re my TV on tuesday. Sounds ominous to me. Don't know...
Tell that stupid lie to Matt? Why didn't she stick to the 'specialist builder' story of 'Steve'? She was certain Andrew was going to say something anyway, so it was utterly stupid
I've got Viber installed on my Android phone but I've never used it. Just wondered if anyone could advise of its pros/cons? BTW I only use PAYG as the number of calls I make is tiny - I mostly text -...
Morning all, I wondered if you could offer me any recommendations for books which "took you somewhere else" - where the world you were drawn into was some completely realised and compelling that it...