Hello everyone, I hope you've all been to Church, good day to you all. Never done a 'barred' Hypnos puzzle before. Only grid ones in the Independent. This should be fun, at least I now have ODQ5 !...
Ploy gave us a relatively straightforward but interesting grid with "Signal Boxes" and it is the same this week. In fact there is more in the grid than needs to be highlighted. A very...
This is fun, possibly a good introduction to the Listener genre for newcomers, without compromising quality. There are still some words no-one could be expected to know out of there usual vocab, but...
At first the high proportion of short words is a bit daunting - but for the most part the clues are fair, even if in one instance a little vulgarity (in my and Chambers' opinion) creeps in. A good...
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Mr O...............I just knew it was going to be before I opened the paper, oh woe! I am heading straight into DC to hang some black-out curtains, dust...
This week we have Hexes by Stick Insect. Very straighforward compared with last week's gem. I thought there was a little ambiguity with shading, which I took to be resolved by requiring symmetry in a...
'THREE GRACES' by Rustic. My third EV (a newbie). Looks - for me - rather solvable as I now own the aides required! I assume my 2nd edition of ODQ has the required answer(s). Good luck to all! and God...
I thought this was one of the easier puzzles, and, as no one has started a thread I wanted to offer my congratulations to MLN;Rugby for his success with EV 905. He is a stalwart of this site and...
This week's offering is Sine Qua Non by Shackleton. No one should panic that I have finished it already - I've only just read the preamble and feel the need for a lie down in a darkened room. No doubt...
Hello EV N&C Wine Clubbers, plus TTers, There shouldn't be anyone in the DC with this offering. Although one wonders if all these errant students will apply theirselves to best advantage!...
This one's a gem: don't be put off by the complex instructions or that fearsome 65,536 possible combinations: It all comes out well in the end. Good, fair clues, some lovely PDM's, and a satisfying...
Evening all. The toughest for a while, I thought. And might there be an error in 3dn ? The wordplay suggests an S as the third letter, while the grid seems to require a T. I'd be delighted to be shown...
Tough debut by Elint this week. Very good surface readings with definitions not always directly linked in Chambers, which I felt made it tougher. I was only mentioning a few weeks back that with the...
Hello EV N&C Wine Clubbers, If my memory serves me well, this theme appeared in The Speccie not too long ago, so the training was useful. The second, but unrelated theme added weight to the...
The answer fell out very quickly this week, particularly the theme from the down clues. I am turning my hand to The Listener for the first time, but it seems to be all numbers, not quite what I was...
Having great difficulty in solving r.h.s of the above Any cluesor hints to the down clues woulbd be most welcomed. Have found the six across answers which have been altered but in trying to solve the...