when is the best time to try and have a baby. is it 15 days after period? is it true that temperature down below has to be right as well? any info will be welcomed.
I read a book about cats communicating with each other. i have three cats and am convinced that they seem very telepathic, amongst themselves and towards me. Does anyone else think their cat(s)...
How many of them are gay? [male or female.] Isn't it reckoned to be 1 in 10? Just that I have not met many people that I knew to be homosexual, some but certainly not 1 in 10. I've even heard it is 1...
I've been away, de-registered, re-registered, de-registered, uninstated, re-instated and now I seem to be myself again. Here's to a happy year of the Goat for everybody and I'd like to compliment all...
the only thing i can remember is : there is a borther and sister in a old english house and towards the end it catches fire and a ghost or magician or someone like that saves them and they stand...
Why is it that in several Poe stories (or at least the versions I have read), names of certain characters are excluded from the text, to be replaced by just the initial letter? For example, from 'The...
Aztecs, Double Deckers, Starbars, Treets, Everlasting Strips, Spangles and Five Boys chocolate? can you remember any other deleted sweets? (Opal Fruits and Marathon don't count).
Here's a question I've just thought of and don't have an answer for myself yet... You're dead, ok? What would you like to be written on your headstone? Hmmm, must go away and think about that...
Anyone remember the soft drink Quattro? What were the four flavours used? I can remember how the can looked but I can't think of what those flavours were.
I just got a new (well new to me anyway) car today and i'm still trying to decide on a name for the beast....So i'm wondering what the other 'bankers called their wagons?
Everyone I've asked says it means mixed sex company, but I seem to think it originally meant a gathering of people, some of which you know informally or very well and some of which you know formally...