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8D: ... is what it will be if the typist doesn't get a shift on (8) A?T?R?S? Only thing I can think of is ASTERISK but don't know why ??? Thanks...
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Stuck on four - 23D: Attempt to influenve shy, loveless lad (5) ?O??? 27D: Money for poker upset smoker (4) ???E 26A: On the radio, inspirational female sounds catty (4) ?E?S MEWS??? 29A: Spy...
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Sruck on three 13A X-rated Barking fleshpot (3-5) HOT S?E?F 18A Gripped Wound, reportedly (4) R?P? 9D Small gangs of little people on speed, oddly unruffled (4-9) Is it SELF-POSSESSED??? Many thanks...
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22A: Some ice cream causes a revelation (5 ?) S???T 20D: Reportedly give notice when exhausted (4 ?) ???N Thanks...
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Me again ... 25D: Do drugs lead to untold sadness and woe ultimately? [3] ??E possibly L?E Am I correct that 24A is LET FLY ??????? Many thanks...
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Stuck on a few [and rapidly losing the will to live!] 21A: Investment minister has secured in error [8] M?S???E? 22D: Rhubarb served up following a cold ham [5] ??T?? [Assuming 24A is LET FLY] 27A:...
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Stuck on two - 19A: Of lettuces, forming a compact inner part (8) HEART?N? 26D: Withdraw from a place or situation (3,3) ?O? OUT Many thanks...
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1,4 A: 28 [PUN] from Paris? Hear hear! (6,8) ??U??? ???E???E Thanks...
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Stuck on two 22A: Make up with approach, securing concession after reflection (7) C?M?O?E 26A: Last enclosure, holding area (4) ?T?Y Many thanks...
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24D: Minute, blackish, gregarious two-winged fly (7) S?I?R?K Thank you...
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Stuck on Two 18A Break balance (4) R??T 19D Allow to go ahead or punitively try to stop (8) ??N??I?N Many thanks...
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5A: Herb takes a domestic vehicle from here (7 ???) 2D: About to get Virginia something sparkling (4 ???) 6D: Top stylist made a woman join a group (Two words) Could it be ALICE BAND ??? Many thanks...
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11D: Excuse for telegram, presumably? (7) ?R?T??? 20A: Dad's following message about you, said in error (4,3) ?A?? ?A? 3D: Corrected heart valve using nothing for a change (6) E?O?V? Thank you...
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10D Greets assembly with Latin classic [two words] ?T?E?E? Sorry, no way of knowing where the split between the two words occurs....
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6D: Tolerate sport (4) W?A? Thank you...
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33A: Theatre entrance opened in advance at a higher price (5,4) R?R?Y DOOR Thanks...
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17D: Bore giving consent, last to come to the fore (5) E???E 19A: Surrounded by a number wanting lift in classic car (5) A?O??...
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Oops! forgot to ask this one as well 11A: Time that flies? (4) ?I?D...
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6A: Little one in big boxes close to dustbin (6) ?N?A?T INFANT???????...
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Stuck on two .... 26A Contact English bloke by phone (5) E?A?? 23D City to trade? Not a good morning (5) D???I Many thanks...

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