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49A: American term for a loose jumper (6,3) ?L???Y ?O? 45D: Alternative possibility (6) ???I?N Is it FLOPPY TOP and OPTION ???? Thank you...
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34A: Short name for a dish served with rice or tortilla chips, salsa, guacamole, etc. (6) ?H?L?Y Thanks...
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1D: Fully grip fastener (5) ?I?E? Is it RIVET ... and if so, why? Many thanks...
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Last one ... Milk curd cheese used in eastern cuisine (5) P?N?R (I found PANEER but none of my dictionaries give any alternative spelling)...
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It's highly unlikely! (1'2,3,2,3) Is it I'll eat my hat ???? Please someone put me out of my misery! Thank you...
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Stuck on two 5D; Scheme encouraging self-reliance in students (6,6) D?L?O? ??S?E? 17A: An early jawless fish (11) ???R?Y?D?R? Many thanks...
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Last one and I'm going nuts 22D: Reversing is main dilemma of a monkey (6) ?E?I?N Thank you...
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6D: Bar holding woman with both hands (5) ?E?E? Thank you...
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1D: Cunning military mechanic runs off (8) ?R???I?E 14A: The French foolback for decoration (6) TASSEL ???? 15A; Processing depot is spacious on drive (5) DAIRY ????? Many thanks...
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29D: A peacock, gallery or man (4) ?A?N Thank you...
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5D: Needle-like crystals (8) R?A?H?R? The only thing I can think of is REACHERS ?????????? Thank you...
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Just two left ... 4D A quiet laugh at soldier with a dietary problem (7) ?P?O?I? I have APNOEIA but don't see how it could fit. 28D Gathered friend takes in silver first (8) A?M?N?T? Again, I have...
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Stuck on three ..... 13A: Corresponding to animal in Asian boat (3,4) P?? ???A 5D: Pot lid? (4,3) ?L?P ??? 6D: Light beer? (6) ?O?O?? Many thanks...
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26A: Was Dickens taken aback? (5) L?V?D Don't get the Dickens reference at all. 29A: Tight and painful, in a way? Said differently (6) ?T?N?Y STINGY??? but why? Thankyou...
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19D: Boy is going to island in the morning (7) ?I?L?A? Many thanks...
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6D: Added photo as part of the scenery (5) ?N?E? Thanks...
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20D: Pale-looking pie (5) ?A?T? Please someone put me out of my misery!!! Thank you...
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7D: In Virgil's Aeneid, words uttered by Neptune to the disobedient and rebellious winds (4,3) QUO? E?O 18D: Colour, another term for drab (4,5) M?D? B?I?E Many thanks...
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Last one .... 16A: Hoist boy by the ears (7) ?E?R?C? Only thing I can think of is DERRICK but don't understand how it fits? Thanks...
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Last two ... 8D: Two-fifths [5,4] P?I?T ???R 17A: Slang name for a donkey [4] ???E Many thanks...

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