All answers have an animal or bird in it. Eg. B as a C = Bald as a Coot 4) LR to C 14) PMF 32) The G 33) The TI of the D in the N 34) The TM by R 40) A BR on the SE 43) The A Thanks for any help...
Sport 5)Which sewing essential has been replaced by the Fosbury flop? Music 20)Which song became the Playschool theme tune after 1967? Miscellaneous 6)Which sewing stitch might be found in a fish?...
Still 3 short with this quiz:- 1.Alkali metal without influence of old tele network (6) 2.A sound way to achieve a smooth reverse in one of these (6) 3.Up against it? Only in France (5) Many thanks in...
Just last few stuck on all help appreciated
2a.brush aside identical twin bears?(4.4)
15b they serve to aid memory (9)
18b what the sacked teller did in paris(4.4)...
I am currently listing a load of song titles on an Excel spreadsheet. For some reason, it has issues with titles that start with the word 'Don't'. When I click the A-Z facility, the list comes out...
A complicated one...Some help with answers and parsing to get this one off the ground,please ! Many thanks in advance! ( ) ACROSS: 10.Blackmail soldiers into...
Help please .
Sky darts (3.6)
11/ Racy and daring in this but is it blue (4)
17/ Revelation of a Harlot (7,5 )
20/ London’s molar creation (5,4)
21/ Duck out of late arrangement (4)
Thank you....
I don't have access to any of the music recognition apps, but would like to know the name of a song that is often played in my local Asda. A repeated lyric is "talking to myself", but that's about as...