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I'm stuck on the following ones: 14. Mouth? Gum? Palate? Any one of them (5,5) I thought Mouth organ but they're not organs!! 31. Godsend, there's a ship inside (7). 37. Car follows nothing but takes... ...
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Just got these few left . All answers are indoor games: 21 Is your target (7) 31. One over the eight in Oxford (not a minor) (4,4,6) 36 Me James Bond? (1-3) 39. Card game for a hospital? Sounds like... ...
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Only 3 left to complete quiz. All answers are a fruit or veg. 6. Everyone in photo? Yes! ……..(7) 19. Dolly on horseback (4,2,3,3) 50. Finally keep the area clear for answer (4). Could this be okra?...
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Mercy Ships Just In Time Quiz Just got 4 left to do. All answers are to do with time . Closing date 31st January. 8. Add this to man, and he will cope. 3 letters 10. Is appropriate in years. Six...
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Kryptic Kitchen Quiz closing date 30th June. All answers will have an item found within the kitchen or utility room within the answer. I’ve just got 4 left to get. 33 Blows (6,5) 35 Hard rain erases...
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Thank you so much for the previous answers. they’re brilliant. The only one I don’t get is number 50 Tiverton? Can I be cheeky and ask 2 more 20. A 100 debtors on the island (5) 46. Where is the House...
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Of the 50 questions I’m stuck on the following: 7. Explosion alternative in Wales (6) 18. Face facts? if you can’t then find a beach (4,4,4,2,3,4) 37. Grace adds weight (10) 45. Trees are very warm...
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Apologies I didn’t put the details of the quiz. Haven’t used site for ages and not sure how to edit what I’ve written...
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Local Quiz All answers relate to music, however of the 90 questions about 70 are the names of groups and so far not songs: Clues 1. One who wears boardies 2. Everybody’s most hated 3. Keep it legal 4....
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All the answers are british birds. Of the 90 questions here are a few that I can’t get. 21 one about to be married 27 plural is a private bank 34 flags up a party 39 childs dingy (actual spelling) 71...
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Weather quiz No.23 Trump music--- (4,2,3,5) . I’ve seen a couple of answers listed here but wondered if anyone else had any other suggestions....
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Weather related quiz clue 45 sounds as if the fuel is flying about 6,6
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Clue Sounds like 12 surrounded by an opener. The answer is an artist. This is the only one I can’t do...
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20. Mary and Joseph’s accommodation was anything but. 7, 3 first word H 31. Brenda’s arboreal dance 7,6,3,9,4 first word R 44. Orpington trio - but from Paris 5,6,4 presume first word is Three 45....
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I’m stuck on the last six of 50 questions . All answers are anatomical and some parts of the body can be The answer to more than one question. 2. Blue? Well almost 4,3,7 3 Regimental March...
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Still looking for just one answer for Crediton Lions summer quiz. Clue Perhaps the rising sun answer is a flower...
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Can any one help with the final 4 questions of a quiz. First 3 are flowers 1. The guiding light 2. Smells nice between the hills (poss Lily of the valley ) 3. Perhaps the rising sun Fourth clue is for...

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