Local quiz in aid of Cat Protection. Answers are cats in cartoons, literature etc. Stuck on2. A Beatrix Potter cat 3.3 (All I can remember is Tom kitten) Wonder if there is a mistake in clue ? This...
2d Scots word for talking drivel,(8) (H?v?r?n?) is it haverins ?. 11d Piscine former leader of Marillion.(4) (??sh) (Bush)??. 18d.Supergran actress (3) (u?e) (ure)????
Having a problem here. 54 a poisonous plant also called Leopard's Bane . I have M?N?S?O?O. and I have PLASTIO for 42 d organelles containing pigments in the cells of plants. Where have I gone wrong?...
Head is not on this morning! 18.a Read cut-out article by excellent tabloid 3-3 I have R?D-?O? All I can think of is red-hot - but why ? Thanks in advance.
If 42 d (printmaking technique ised by Picasso etc.) is woodcut and 47a (enzyme meant to dissolve fibrin blood clots...)is plasmin, where have I gone wrong? Thanks
Struggling with 34d - Is the answer Neptunite or Nephelite? Please put me out of my misery. I have looked up both and can't make up my mind - I never did like this side of science.
Crossbar No1082 Have finished this except for this; 33a 'Pitch at tree growing over the middle of greens.' I have ??eter. (6 letters) ASnswers are usually to do with sports but not always. I can only...
Help, please, with these ones. 1. A female pictured on front of magazine. 2. Breeches with slight alteration on vacation. 3. The vagrant has a royal attachment. 4. Looks like this chap has sad times....
Can someone please help with last 2. 19a Made contact with setter, at last. ( 3 ) ? E T Maybe it is set 24d At that point of the replay , no doubt ( 5 ) S? E ? E . Thank you. .