I am expecting child number 4 and have tried breast feeding 2 of the previous but have inverted nipples so after a lot of stress and upset for both of us I have given up much to my dissapointment. I...
i made a meatloaf/ stuffing last night , done it in the oven wrapped in tin foil , took it out and the bottom was completewly black and stuck to the foil, what is best way of avoiding this in future,...
Good morning all, wasn't sure where to post this, but hopefully someone can help..... My partner is a carpenter and has recently been given a medical questionaire to fill in - is it any of his...
I have a section of my garden covered in white cotswold stones, each one approx half inch. Something is moving about twenty of the stones into a tidy pile onto my garden path, when I move the stones...
It's about this man who goes off into the african jungle to study Gorilla's, He spends ages there,and after years studying them they start to accept him into their group. He start's to live with them,...
I know really daft question! but i forgot from having my firt child! my daughter is 14 months, do i still need to boil the water first before giving it to her or can she have bottled water now (none...
Hi, I just want a little advice really. I have just found out my mum has been banging her head against the wall when stressed. I am really worried about the effects this can have eg. brain...
I have a recipe for Choc-oaties which goes like this... 8oz self raising flour 8oz sugar 8oz butter 5oz porridge oats 2oz cocoa sultanas or raisins if desired. mix together with the melted butter and...
How bad is stress for an unborn child? I've had a particularly hard couple of days, feel very stressed out and now my bump aches, so now I'm stressing that I might be harming the baby.
Got given a tin of this for Christmas and have no idea what to do with it. I'm sure that I used to put it on a cake when i was doing A'level cookery (about 100 years ago), but this doesn't look sweet....
My washer (ordinary UK automatic) normally works off both hot and cold water supply. All of a sudden, it has refused to operate except at a 30degree wash, filling from cold only. I have tried all the...
ive had 4 treatments, for a year old whiplash injury. first 2 were ok, i felt a bit stiff after. but the last 2 have been awful afterwards. he pressed in the middle of my back between shoulder blades,...
Does anyone know of an on-line Graphic Design Course please? My grandson has decided he would like to enhance his abilities but, still keep working at his day job! Anyone with informationor has...