itics/lawandorder/5957741/Illegal-immigrant-st ows-away-under-bus-filled-with-immigration-off icers.html Officials said all the routine checks were made... gerian-forces-storm-mosque No winning 'hearts and minds' here, send the troops in, get the job done, end of story. 4/Pregnant-mother-13-babies-taken-care.html 13 children taken into care and she is now pregnant again and says she will continue to have more until... 0/Save-Children-paedophile-jailed-sneaking-Bri tain-Pakistan-despite-abusing-boy.html To his credit was his co-operation with the police, his 'evident... 8/Hundreds-thousands-migrants-handouts-says-se nior-judge.html At last a judge that is awake, and prepared to speak the truth. Just in case some will dub...
It is not the end, nor even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning Winston Churchill. ehrc-trevor-philips-juniper-tv Should Ttrevor Phillip now go? In fact should the whole of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, be closed down now,... 2/Muslims-refuse-use-alcohol-based-hand-gels-r eligious-beliefs.html Some Muslims have refused to use alcohol-based hand gels to combat the spread of... 3/Secret-Labour-tax-having-patio--Millions-hom es-assessed-council-charge-hammers-middle-clas ses.html Householders face being penalised simply for... 6/Human-rights-win-for-perverts Has this bogey 'The European Human Rights Convention', now gone yet another step too far? How can we still embrace its... ama-race-henry-louis-gates Was Obama right to criticise his Police Service in this instance? Wasn't the officer only doing his job? What if it had been a... /pakistan/5892017/US-drone-killed-Osama-Bin-La dens-son-Saad.html Is the net now closing more onto Bin Laden? If he were to be killed or captured, would... cle-1201496/French-swine-flu-squad-swoops-terr ified-UK-schoolchildren.html Love them or hate them, those Frenchies seem to get things done. Wouldn't it...
Is our Police Service going mad? We have recently heard talk of a Pagan Police Association being formed. 9/Police-officers-practice-witchcraft-Pagan-Po...
Is our Police Service going mad? We have recently heard talk of a Pagan Police Association being formed. 9/Police-officers-practice-witchcraft-Pagan-Po... mmerdale_adamthomas_adambarton01.jpg I first thought that Adam Barton one of the new comers to Emmerdale, looked very much like Jason Grimshaw from...
I want to copy a youtube onto a DVD to play on my stand alone DVD player. I have converted the file format first to a MPEG file and then converted that to a DVD file. I first formatted a blank DVD-R...