Some will say porn.
For me it is the vast amounts of money paid for transfer fees and the wages paid to football players.
So over to you. What do you find obscene?...
What the fecknucular is going on with new mail?! Up until their recent changes I was able to see at a glance, new mail. Now, it seems I have to click on 'more'/'all mail' to see if anything has...
Trespassing is now a criminal offence so surely the Police can simply evict them straight away. So why does it take so long to get shot of them?...
I work in a small business centre with only 5 people working there 3 male and 2 females. The females both work part time. The thing is, one of the males (husband of one of the females) has taken to...
I've just been mesmerised by watching a spider wrapping up a flying ant. Arent they amazing, and the web he has constructed is a work of art. Will look and wait to watch spider wrap the other one up....
I clicked the firefox symbol on the top left of screen and clicked 'view in full screen'. I don`t know how to get back to how it was previously. Does anyone know please?
Does anyone know the name of a dental procedure where a denture is fitted directly to the gum by way of sort of press studs? I would like to do some research on this, thank you
Just lately the curser on screen keeps freezing when I try to move the mouse. If I unplug and re-plug it seems to get going again--- but not for long. Only had it for about 2 months (from China)-Any...
No matter how many times it's explained, how well it's explained, even though I've watched school programmes about the subject (many years ago) and read various books about it I cannot get my head... excited about the eminent birth of this child. Well , that's according to the Prime Minister . I dont feel excited - should I therefore go and see a shrink - cos there must be something wrong...
Does everybody on AB like everybody - why do so many personalities clash when they don't know them in real life. It is after all "black ink on a white page"???...
I’ve just been listening to ‘The Bottom Line’ on Radio 4 where the guests were the vice president of CH2M Hill, the CEO of Veolia Water, and the CEO of Anglian Water, who all said that water...
The artist or the song at 22:15 in this clip (Coming Up - CH4). I've tried everything apart from contacting CH4. The voice sounds familiar but I can't...