hiya. i just wanted to ask if anyone knows of any peices music similar to this song. anything where an orchestra or even an orchestral instrument is blended in with a strong drum beat.or anything from...
can anyone help me? i got my deed pool through the post yesterday. and im just confused how i sign it. it says sign *my old name* then under ut says sign * my new name* do i sign it with my new and...
does anyone know if there is a special name for the shade of blue that can be argued as purple? almost like this one. http://www.colourlovers.com/wallPaper/1600x120...
hi i have this blue/purplish nissan almera.( http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p /v208/187/31/516003951/n516003951_766760_2394. jpg ) its my first car and i only got it in aug 08. i took it...
im getting him on sunday :D i have named him ZAKI or ZAK for short! what u think???? im still considering names.... so if u think of another suitable one lemme know!.... need a name that my granny can...
hiya... im getting a kitten on sunday ( yeay ) thats 7 weeks old. i just need some info and advice really on at what age i should think about getting him neutered. and will it stop him venturing...
im 19, ive never really had "regular" periods but they would come give or take 2.5 weeks. some months id miss them alltogether. but this year i have had them every month give or take a week. and now...
what the word used when someone tells u a secret and they have all the trust and faith in u. and you would say "thank you for.......... in me" i think its biding in me or... darn cant remember........
does anyone know when the repeat will be on TV of the whole opening ceremony??? i missed the beginning performances!!!! i saw clips in the news and it looks BREATHTAKING! is so which channel and...
hi all, i need some help. i am in kind of a wierd situation and i just need some insight on what im doing means.. basically i need to know what it means if you kiss someone. is there a way where you...
hello AB community! just a quick poll really... i want to buy a dance mat game for myself and i found 2 games.... both same price but i just wanted another opinion ( if anyone owns either of these )...
how do you become an optician? what course do you have to do.. can anyone send a link plz. i am interested in thie field..... any information will help... cheeers AG
Should i put a picture of myself in my CV or shouldn't I?? i have read that it is good tho as the emplyer can see who they are dealing with but is it really needed? does it improve my chances of...
which watch should i buy??? http://www.hsamuel.co.uk/webstore/detail/R/613 9582/?Sm=1&Nf=P_Current_Price|BTWN+20+90 http://www.hsamuel.co.uk/webstore/detail/R/561...
that there is something that i want to confront my mother about but i cant find the guts to do so. im scared i will make things worse. but if i dont the consequesnes are fatal but if i do make things...