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Baby Jane

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I need some advise on the issue below please. Mum has cancer and she is going to start on Chemo in the next few weeks for 6 weeks. I am very upset about this as i don't know what the future holds for...
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who checks out the opposite sex more? there has been a report that women check out men more than men check out women. lets discuss
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is there a reason why the sun makes you horny? or was it only me that was on heat in the heat?
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What is the song used in the new magnum ecuador advert??? PLEASE HELP!!!! :-)
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Baby Jane
hi ladies Johnny Depp dressed as Jack Sparrow giving me my choccie egg,my Easter wish. Whats yours. Come champagne, bet you come up with a good un. Boo where are you? xxxxxx
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I've been invited to a Hen night and have been told that I have to dress up as a teacher and give myself a saucy name. I can't think of any names though! Any ideas?
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just curious.... :-)
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does anyone know what food is good to eat to improve the elasticity of your skin???
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Hi everyone! I know its not related to the topic, but I could do with you help! A colleague is having a 'leaving do' at the end of this month.... but unlike normal people that will invite everyone for...
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If you're closest friend/loved one turned into a zombie in front of your eyes, do you think you'd have the courage to put them out of their misery?
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Baby Jane
Hi you lovely folk, I have been away,whats been happening, has any one missed me at all,does any one care? does any one even remember me? Please be kind if you answer,Im having a bad time at the...
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Baby Jane
my mum has had a blood test done and waiting for result. My sister( who has the same doctor) was in the surgery and asked for the results which (she says) he gave,the next day her daughter rang our...
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Baby Jane
Hi folk Does any one know where I can buy Calosol for hair loss. Or recommend any thing for slight alopecia (did I spell that right?) thanks
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Baby Jane
My mum has lost quite a lot of weight and doesn't eat enough all though she does try to. She recently came off the water tablets she was taking,could that be the reason for her weight loss? Could any...
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Baby Jane
The dark circles I have under my eyes are so bad now that they go up the sides of my nose. Is there anything to get rid of them permanently intsead of having to disguise them, thanks for any advice.
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Baby Jane
Help!! My computer had "Threat Detected" on the screen, when I managed to clear it I got a load of Spanish after clearing that I got "No Modem" I closed that down only to begin again with "Threat...
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Baby Jane
Im early (and desperate by the sound of it) but will some one send me love on Valentines day, just so I can feel part of you loverly Abers. cheers me dears lol xxx
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I was given a bottle of jim beam for xmas and cant stand it as a straight drink, is there a mixer to mask or alter the taste so it is less harsh.
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what advice do you have for someone going skiing for the first time a month from now?
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er...............isnt it about time they came off? wouldnt take too long surely lol

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