Could anyone help identify the following pictures: http://www2.newsquest.../superbrain/lit/3.jpg http://www2.newsquest.../superbrain/lit/6.jpg http://www2.newsquest.../superbrain/lit/7.jpg...
Seeking confirmation only -right or wrong. 19D "New sketch of Ruby found by boat (7)" -I have 'REDRAFT' (Red Raft)and 22A "Needs me to sort out estate (7) -I have 'DEMESNE' anag. of...
20a Shakespearean does not quite go back in vehicle (6) - R - T - S Brutus ? - Can't work out why though 17d Left winger going round on my behalf in better shape ( 8) - E - O - M - D Reformed ? Again...
16D "Force apart to get reward that is available" (5,4) Is there a consensus about 'Pri(s/z)e Open'? My Chambers says that both 'Prise' and 'Prize' are acceptable for 'Prising open' and...
11A Inferior Contintental articles (5) I have '?N?E?' and the best sense I can make is "INFER" which is a bit weak and is taken from the clue. Any better suggestions welcomed. Last one.
Last one. Could it be 'mool'? Have "?o?l" for 'Gloomy' with 'O' from Omega (48D) and 'L' from 'Sulky' (41 D). Regret have no time to trawl postings-Q&A have no similar Q's.
Which RAF base on the Wash is the largest in the country when the tide's out, and the smallest when the tide's in? Also, Which famous plane maker was responsible for The Anson? Is it A. V. Roe, or is...
I have 'Iron Horse', 'Moon Boot,', 'Golden Eagle' AND 'Shell Harp'/'Harp Shell'(!). Do not think my 'Harp' from Sat D.Tel GK can be correct. Anyone put me right plse?.
29A "Seen - ran - got tangled up in trap." (7) Have "?N?P?R?" giving 'Inspire' or 'Snipers' neither of which seem relevant to clue. Help/explanation of clue appreciated -last one!