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just looking at the pattern of posters that are a little off the radar (IMO) nicky111 has posted a total of 6 questions asking about impersonating boy george, isnt that a little odd ? especially...
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My bets on Gino.........yours?
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but i don't Reporting is easy really innit!...
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My 17 month old daughter has a red rash on the roof of her mouth. Any ideas what this could be (doesn't look like thrush) and what, if anything, should I do about it? She also has a tooth (molar)...
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I really like this guy who flirts with everyone.. he always has quite a few girls trying it on with him, but he never actually does anything with them at parties and stuff.. i will be seeing him at a...
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How long as this advert been show. "Have a happy period" Wait till the greeting card manufacturers get on this one. lol...
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can anyone tell me what high street store will sell hot water bottles? ta!
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I tend to leave everything plugged in. My dear old mum used to insist on unplugging the telly, just in case we had thunder and lightning during the night. She worried that lightning would strike the...
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Do you prefer to take a shower or have a bath. I am in favour of a bath. PS Why does the spellchecker say I should spell 'favour' in the American style of 'favor' ??...
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1. How many brothers/sisters have you got. 2. When did you last vote on X Factor. 3. Where did you last go on holiday. 4. What colour is your bathroom. 5. Which would you prefer fish and chips or...
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As her ladyship is otherwise engaged may I welcome you all. There is a large tin of Quality Street for munching next to the silver tray of cocktails....
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My mums asked me which perfume to get me for chrissmas. Anyone like to recommend a nice one thats not tooo expensive for her as shes not that well off. Maybe 25 to 30 pounds?...
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i have asked nicely several times on different threads and nobody has explained will someone please tell me????
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Kidd Has he been removed from this site?...
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I hold the record now for killing threads. The last six threads here all have my paw print on the end of them...
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