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I looked away and when I looked again he was dragging the body out of the car - did we see the killing ?
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Will the best of what should have been shown on last nigths show be on tonights aswell?
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It seems to be common knowledge that Mariah Carey mimed on Saturday night's X Factor. Our family is split over whether Susan Boyle did too. Anyone know?
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Hi all you lovely people at AB Got my 1st xmas card today from my work of all places LOL. Just wondering if anybody else as recieved any as yet? LOL
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Do you have a blackberry storm Have you a tattoo just above your chees cutter line Do you wear your baseball cap on an angle Have you loads of Bling Raebok trakkies or are you the "I can only...
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Sandy-Wroe 240 hours community service. Was that an appropriate sentence?...
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Is there any nice way of telling somebody they are overweight. My blokes neice is very large for her age she's 4 and eats alot. Its not her fault as the parents let her have up to 4 choc cake bars...
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I sometimes listen/watch with my wife to this and wonder why the hell do they have to all talk at the same time. Occasionally they hit on an interesting topic for about 15 seconds then all jabber...
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China Doll
Not the one containing misery and a bit of random hope.... The place that sells the charm braclett thingys.... Does anyone know where to find a store locator for them please? Their website isn't very...
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You have had me LOLling most of the night.......... Hope to see you back soon.xx...
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Any old faces that remember me?
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I am handing my self in Billykid has me bang to rights ! can i wear a blindfold please?...
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Do you have a fierce in-built protection of all things akin to you and where your roots lie, I have, if people call us Geordies 'fick', I don't like it, but have to laugh along with it, it's too big...
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type BillyKid in search box lmfao owned!...
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as above http://www.theanswerb...k/Question833097.html Sweet!...
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I can! if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor...
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Why is it when you see a new user name on here some the regulers start behaving strangely, ,do they think every new name that comes on here is a bad guy/gal,?
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I've just been checking my email messages and found an unread email from a woman I don't know with an NHS email addy. It is addressed to another woman with the same surname as the sender as well as...
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what is the most disgusting thing that you remember from your childhood? Ok I know that we all have plenty of memories from childhood or our teenage years but what sticks out in your mind? I remember...

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