1. Dreampt about ark on compNy logo
2. Eat some seaweed in exasperation
4. Engineers note pole has wood joint projection
Cheers fromNZ...
1. Went through the roof to get sword,say S?a?e? 2. One who appears to hVe no driving ambition ??s?e???? 3. Draw attention to being less than twenty ?n?e???o?e 4. Monastry has priority to remove it....
1. Bring frogs back, it needs a set of ingenuous plans. 3/2/6 ?a?o?t?I?k? 2. Give custody to some delinquent rustlers ?n?r?s? 3. Biological catalyst such as amylase or Pepsin seen in a frenzy...
I see there is a complaint about me not replying or acknowledging to answers to my questions. I have tried replying many times to no avail, please advise how I do this, it wont let me reply to the...