For the first time ever we have mice!! I discovered mouse dropping in the cupboard under the sink, I have double checked all the other cupboards no evidence, even taken the kickboards off and no... ...
Princess Kate has taken the decision not to let the public know what she's wearing. She always looks good in whatever she wears. My question is, is there a helpline?
to help them get to sleep? I used it for the first time last night and couldn't believe it when I woke up at 12 o'clock mid day. My dog as well.... ...
Today marks the end of the widespread use of coal for industry in the UK. The last coal fired power station at Ratcliffe-on-Stour closes as does the last operational blast furnace at Port Talbot... ...
If my mother was to go into a home/sheltered house and we paid her rent to live in her house. if she used that money to pay her home fees would that be legal? Would we need a legal document to prove... ...
She says I'm unfeeling and I don't care about a living soul. I support her the best way I can (she's a widow), but she says I can't connect with another human being. This is true as basically I... ...
The kitten knocked over a bottle holding half a candle which fell into one of the slots of the toaster. It has melted around the part that holds the bread. Is it unsafe to use it now?
I love buying presents but I hate wrapping them - and I feel like I've been doing it for days! Waiting for the last three to be delivered today and once wrapped that will be my lot for another... ...
I have just taken in a rescue cat and I would like it to go outdoors for a short period of time. Are there any tips I should have before I introduce the cat outdoors the cat is about three years... ...
After months of tryingv via GP ect, im finallly down for an alohol detox, in a medical setting. (ie, in an inpatient ward with appropriatte meds for withdrawal) Its a 7 day 'in house' course. And... ...
A neighbour (who has multiple cars) has parked their car half way over my drive. I think it might be visitors of theirs. If I need to get my car out, it'll mean having to drive on the kerb and... ...
I am having an argument with my wife. Her mother has been in hospital five weeks after a fall at home when she broke some ribs. Local council rang to arrange 'discharge care package' which they said...
This is part of a cremation application form which is legally required. Is the person who has signed this has lied how does one go about proving this. Are you a near relative or an executor of the...
If a beneficiary under my will is dead by the time I die, does that bequest automatically lapse? My son and daughter are due inherit half each but, if he is dead I want all to go to my daughter.
It's been mentioned on here in previous years so I feel safe to say this.
Have a super day whatever himself decides to do for you today.
Much love to a great woman xx...