Thought my mum had finished it and now we need to get it off quickly so any help greatly appreciated. 1a. Folio - loose leaves from it make cloth (5) F _ _ _ 12a. Flat race wanting a versatile horse...
Has anyone completed the Londoner Xword - I've obviously gone wrong somewhere. Shaded squares should reveal a London area - I've got MROONLH. Incomplete answers: most anxious...
i bought 25000 shares @115p and then a further 25000 shares of the same stock @111.5p ...if i have 5 clients and they were allocated 15000, 25000, 2500, 2500 and 5000 respectively....What...
Famous landmarks buildings or monument word wide eg A high card game - Tower birdge Heading for a fall (7,5,2,4) Badly hit then satirised by Frankie (7) A gem of a cupola (4,2,3,4) Heavenly body south...