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Simply to help me understand and satisfy my curiosity. There is a game that has millions of players hosted on many servers. My question is: are players assigned to a server and forever log on to that...
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So disappointed this was a repeat with a new bit tacked on. It wasn't flagged as a revised repeat and I hope the rest of the series isn't this format....
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I've been playing this game for years on my desktop, iPad and Android phone, all synched. Apart from the adverts I enjoy it but now find that it no longer loads on my iPad or phone because it has been...
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I think the crime rate has plummeted during lockdown, fewer murders, stranger rapes, carjacking, abductions, burglaries, robberies. The traditional city centre weekend night brawls, drunkenness and...
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The new Channel 4 series that started last night, Mend It For Money, was recommended to me by my smart tv as I am a fan of The Repair Shop. I watched the last half hour but wasn't impressed. I found...
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I think I've gone in to a funk through self isolation but I can't work this very simple sum out. There are two parts that total 526. One part is 195 and the other 331. I need to know what per centage...
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Any suggestions? I am currently eating Pilgrim's Choice Extra Mature Cheddar and it goes in to crumbs instead of slices. Do you know of a cheese that will slice rather than crumble?
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I am due to collect my first ever 'click and collect' from Tesco and need to know what id, if any, I need to take. I have scoured their site, my emails and my receipt but can't find the answer. The...
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Funny what you think about when your quarantined. There are lots of people in the UK who are here illegally, trafficked by gangmasters and working for very little money, a squalid roof over their head...
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I am very fortunate in that I don't know anyone who has contracted it, not even a friend of a friend of a friend. Maybe I just don't know many people...
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My aged relative lives with us and it works very well.except she feels the cold and has to have the heating racked right up. We only have a small house with one living room so there is no escape. I am...
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and normality has returned, do you intend keeping a larger stock of essentials, stockpiling against future episodes?
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I heard a noise outside early this morning, got out of bed, looked out the window and there was a magpie tapping on the glass. Is it a harbinger of doom or did it see its reflection? The end is nigh...
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I have some important forms to fill in that aren't available online and plan to scan them in to my pc/ I need a good PDF editor so that I can complete them and am looking for recommendations. I don't...
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I just googled 'blood in urine' and the first thing that come up: 'Blood Urine on eBay - Seriously, We Have Everything'. Some things you can keep to yourself, thanks, eBay :D...
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Has anyone shopped with them over the past few days? Did they have everything in stock? The current wait is over 4 hours so I'm wondering if it is worth my while
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I have no idea what this tv advert is flogging but that sentence cracks me up. We have to get our laughs where we can in these strange times
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My internet speed is over 100 Mbps as it should be but sites are so slow to load. Is this because their servers have much more traffic than usual?
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I have Lasting Power of Attorney for a relative and have to fill in a lengthy and complex form on his behalf. Do I answer the questions as if my relative is answering, 'I want to', or as if I am...
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I have a wifi dead zone near my front door and need a good signal for my Ring doorbell. Can I plug a wifi booster in to an extension lead or does it have to be plugged directly in to the socket?...

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