Each anagram consists of two words for a common household item...The first part is its well-known brand name, followed by the related product.. e.g... KEPT RURAL TUB = Lurpak butter. 1)..SCHOOL...
I have scoured the internet in vain for my last two answers, hope someone out there can help me. Who was best man at Roy Castle's wedding. Which footballer also won the Nobel prize for Literature....
Film title containing a reference to a sport, hobby or pastime. Clue: T M O T T B G The sport, hobby or pastime is the last two letters - B G. Can anyone help please? Many thanks.
Just before I post - last ditch effort to answer final question: Lack of quiet around here (6). All answers are islands near or far. Any ideas out there? Many thanks in advance.
Stuck on last two but because of nature of puzzle I can give only the number of letters, no other clues 14ac - 'Ring' opening clamped - singing well (7 letters) 8dn - Two thirds of a spotty singer's...
To give you a break from trying to work out who lives above a star, why not try to solve this maths problem... Using all and only the nine digits 1-9...By logic can you work out the following addition...