17AC mine and stan's partner having to call round (8) - o - l - e - - 29AC swindle from the east the french readily swallow (4)-(1)-(3) - e - l, -, - - -, 27DN leak, task a bulter to disperse gas...
Any help with the following would be greatly appreciated. 27. Playing Subbuteo (twice) could be a pastime (5)- Bird 30. Dealer in combs-but Spooner would have him be an acoustic key locator?...
had wrong heading last few!8a send to-and fro ?E?E? refer? 10a having left in a rush,made a statement about 8 ???O?T?D reported? 1d complete issue 5 ?T??? utter? 21d just a little shy 4 D?S? thanks
This is a local quiz for charity and all answers must contain a male or female name i.e. Type of lottery - (Tom)bola Thanks in advance Boys Names: Musical instrument? The town for someone with a light...
3d. Tentative proposal, mostly about second brats form of inheritance. (3,6) f-e -i---- 19ac. Operating daily, in theory. (2,5) on ----r 31d. Those involved with an affair , in a way(5,1,7) a-t-- a...
Have completed all of the grids on this puzzle but am not 100% sure of the answer One of these words is different from the rest - Which one ? Gerbil; Mouse; Beaver; Horse; Rabbit; Tiger; Zebra;...
Section 2 sequences A, S, D, F, G section 3 link words night_______sense stamp______bound door_______mother section 6 people quiz 1) Which arabian princess saved her life by telling stories for 1001...