Looks like the free on-line version of Mephisto has gone the same way as The Listener and can now only be accessed by joining The Times Crossword Club or buying the ST. Which is fair enough... but I...
This is now online at: http://www.spectator.co.uk/article_assets/arti cledir_6388/3194411/crossword.pdf Note also the addendum to the Christmas crossword!
If 117a (islands' academy had a course) is ARAN, I'm baffled (or should I say baffied?) by 105d. Is it a 'club member', or is it otherwise connected to the key word? Also, I'd appreciate a hint on...
13a. Star part (not the lead) (5) A?T?R I believe this is ACTOR, but for some reason keep doubting the solution. Confirmations or alternatives with explanations gratefully received!
Have really struggled this week, maybe it's me or the cluing really is laboured. Anyway, last one, solution and explanation much appreciated. 28dn. Stony maiden, a stunner, type not appearing in bed...
Mephisto 2500 ('Milestone Mephisto') is available on-line here: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/art s_and_entertainment/games_and_puzzles/article4 391140.ece Sadly, it doesn't measure up to...
19d. St John's holy Devonshire village (6) I?S?O? All I can find for this is INSTOW, which indeed has a church dedicated to St John the Baptist... but that seems a little tenuous. Anyone have other...
Mephisto is back online after a three-week absence: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/art s_and_entertainment/games_and_puzzles/article4 022035.ece
12a. Limited credit given to wife ? it's perplexing (4) CR?? My first thought is crib (c+rib) but I don't understand the definition part. 3d. Cavity? Badly lacking what dentist has to employ? (5)...
I've just discovered Mephisto, and find it an enjoyable challenge on the whole - however, I'm not sure I'm quite on the wavelength yet. Here are two for which I'm pretty sure I have the answer, but...
Last one, 3dn: Almost sounds like editors count! ?E?S?S I can't see this at all for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm an editor? I have a nasty feeling this is going to be blindingly obvious...
I've probably stayed up too late and all will become clear in the morning, but any help with these would be appreciated! 11dn. Travelling salesman with potential energy to tidy up ?E??ER 27dn. Old...
18ac. In a way, like a fox, taking head off flower. _ILE For some reason, this is giving me problems. The two possibilities presenting themselves to my addled brain are WILE (ie to use cunning, like a...