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bean flicker

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The Builder
........on a Home & Garden section the other day - part of the question was: "operating instructions were in Dutch Spanish Italian Portguese" this came out as: "Dutch **************** Portuguese" just...
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Is swimming as good for you as some people make out? Im starting to go swimming 3 times a week and eveyone i know seems to think it great exercise but if so why isnt it more talked about? You never...
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I think I have a crush on one of the consultants I work with and I just emailed him (about work) then I saw him and was about to talk to him but then I remembered I had a whole load of skittles in my...
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Hi everyone. I just wanted to know if anyone's had any experiences of the above in treating stress and anxiety. I have posted this in B & S but CB seems a little livelier this afternoon. I look...
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How do you attend job interviews whilst you currently have a job without your boss finding out? I dont want them to know until I have been offered a job elsewhere and I can hand in my notice but I...
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You couldn't make it up, could you? /news/news.html?in_article_id=509713&in_page_i d=1770 She says: I am a pet, I generally act animal like Does that...
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bean flicker
How many/ what value Isa's can you have at one time?
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Just looked outside and ginger the cat is back.I havent seen him since last monday when rabbitygirl and her hubby tel were here.Do you think she scared him off?Anyway hes back and hes had a feed and...
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bean flicker
My girlfriend has a gorgeous little Pussy but the problem is as she is getting older the hair is getting long and knotted in some places. Can any one recomend what to do as starting to look a mess and...
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Just had a local fireman at the door offering advice on smoke alarms, I feel faint and giddy!!!!! He can test my alarm anytime. Just a pity I am having a Hilda Ogden day! So do men in uniform do it...
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How are all you miserable gits this morning? :P
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Get rid of it. It is dominated by people who think they own the site and can say what they like to anybody. Half of their contributions are completely irrelevant to any question asked. Woe betide you...
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How much on average, mortgage and car loan aside, are people in debt - cards, overdrafts, catalogues etc..?
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bean flicker
Its really starting to get me down that usually at work I struggle to keep my eyes open litterally and driving home the same. All I think about is lying down and getting 5 minutes sleep. So when I get...
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Just got up ,fed the cats washed the pots, now I'm sat having a cuppa, cats fast asleep in front of fire,I'm thinking to myself , I want to be a cat ,when and if theres a next life, what or who would...
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is it essential for a women to have an orgasm during sex to conceive?
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where have all the regulars gone ? I often like to come onto the site and read all your quetions and answers although i dont post any myself....Does this have anything to do with stupid people posting...
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I havent cried for almost a year, i find this very very anoying. I have had alot of things happen in 2007 & the beginning of this year that a normal person would cry over and i need the release of...
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It's Wednesday, almost the weekend, hope you're all feeling as good as you look

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