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what was the name of the uk hospital ship?
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"Cinemas, museums and galleries will be able to reopen in England from 4 July, Boris Johnson is expected to announce on Tuesday as he outlines a further easing of coronavirus restrictions." why not...
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How to store it and for how long?...
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hi, I would like to buy some reclaimed railway sleepers but am very confused by the different sizes, wood etc. Has anyone got a good supplier and could help me decide what to get or give any advice
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bednobs I get all the "people should feed their own children" and "they get child benefit" points. However, I found it strange when I saw this yesterday. Marcus rashford...
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hi, I have just started using this site. When money goes in your account how long is usually before you can access it? And do you have to wait till you have a certain amount to withdraw it?
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Are children exempt from the above? I can only find the public transport thing which says children under 11 exempt. Have a hospital apt on tues.
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I have one of those magnetic chargers for my phone , the type where you put an insert into the charging point on the device, they attach the charger by magnet. I never unplug the charger from the...
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Does anyone have any idea where I could get an old mixer repaired?
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is there a name for someone inserting extra vowel sounds between two consonant sounds in speech ? examples: Les -er -ly Lunch - er time Mag - er- num...
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what would you consider as an internet video "going viral" I was interested because in sam's link on the feet washing the mail states that the video went viral as it was seen 2400 times 2400 views...
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Used it a couple of times since I discovered they deliver from Marks and Spencer. Do riders just wait at home and see if jobs come up? Do they get paid per job?
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Despite me being sceptical about the point of an antibody test (still am really) my curiosity got the better of me and I got an antibody test done. I had a cough and felt rough for a few days in...
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Anyone know how 2 people on different computers can play mine craft together? If you do please explain it as if I know nothing (because I do)
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Anyone got tried and tested ways of getting stains out of clothes? My 8 year olds clothes are vile with all sorts of stains including food mud grass and biological stains. I don't want to buy...
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Adding = sum Timesing = product Dividing = quotient What is subtracting?...
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me and husband work in the same place. we are both usually working from home but Yesterday he went to work. He forgot his laptop and asked me to drop it to him. So i did, then promptly broke down int...
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thread isnt there anymore
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Does anyone have one of those fancy-malancy dyson hairdryers? I fancy trying one but need to ask a question about it first.
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In the whitehouse, last 10 years, NOT Olympus has fallen. president is black, there is a girl in the whitehouse filming the baddies and towards the end they drive round the whitehouse gardens in an...

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