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ha! i just put on some shorts i haven't worn for 2 years (last time the sun came out) and found a nicely washed tenner in the pocket. Woohooo! And the shorts are loose on me :) could the day get any...
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is there any significance to the fact there seems to be a phone ringing in the background of every scene
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help, where can i buy multipacks?
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hi, my neighbour who i am in a dispute with about a right of way over my land, just came round to talk to me about it, in his full police uniform, very agressive etc. It felt quite ntimidating. Are...
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went to see them recently. They played a song that was part rule britannia, part men of harlech and part something else. i thought it was called something like "brilliante" but i can't find any info...
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i am thinking about buying a slow cooker. There seems to be a choice between 3.5 lts and 6.5 lts. If i got the larger one, do they have to be filled right up to cook in them? Do you have any idea if...
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i am thinking about buying a slow cooker. There seems to be a choice between 3.5 lts and 6.5 lts. If i got the larger one, do they have to be filled right up to cook in them? Do you have any idea if...
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i often see people on here asking about benefits and quite often about means tested benefits. the reply comes back that if you have between 6-16000 in savings, you wont be eligible. Fair enough. Now...
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When you say it out loud is it "ask" or "ay-es-kay"
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hi i need satin sheets and duvet cover, does anyone know where i could buy? dont really want an unknown internet site
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hi, how would i go about finding out what the nearest PO to me is that i could post a letter in quite late (10pm) and it would start being sent that night? is there such post offices?
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hi, i've been given some duck eggs. For some reasn i feel a bit squeamish about them yet i dnt feel that way about chickens eggs. Anyway, can you use them in the same way as chickens eggs and do they...
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or could i use them for public consumption, on say a presentation?
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So sorry to ask so many questions, it's surprisingly difficult to find out information about the channel islands on internet searches. Anyway, my travel agent told me today that jersey dosen't have...
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hi, can anyone help? What is the difference between booking a holiday say at first choice, or thompson, and going directly to the operator in the brochure?. i ask because i want to book my holiday but...
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hi, can you lovely abers help please what i want is a camoflauge skirt. Here are my requirements 1) must be long (no sill raving/minis/tutus) pref. ankle length 2) not from ebay 3) dont mind other...
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Hiya what status does jersey have in terms of health care - does it have the NHS? I had to cancel a holiday last year due to having a DVT and now i feel i would like a holiday where i don't have to...
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As above - my car insurance renewal has just come up, and even with looking around it is much more expensive this year despite the fact my accident and sp30 from five years ago have now "fallen off"...
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hi, am going into town in 1/2 hour just realised i need to get playing cards but have absolutely no idea what shop to go in (would normally have gone to woolies i guess) i'm going to Reading, which...
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I just wondered if they were because havng just driven nto town a few things have really annoyed me 1) traffic lights on roundabouts - ok i understand why they might be there (ie to even out and...

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