the 2004 series, not the 80's one. I am in the unfortunate position of having a husband who loves this series and is all too slowly getting throught hem on DVD. I HATE it, but it drones on in the...
hi, i help run a sports club. Yesterday, one of the participants fell over a peice of equipment (while using it) and broke their leg (completely accidentally, nothing to do with the equipment being...
hi,has any one ever employed a mother's help? When i give birth i'm going to need extra help, but i don't want a nanny because i want to do most of the looking after. However, i realise that walking...
Hi, i wonder if you can help please. I am pregnant and when i give birth i will need to employ someone to help (mother's help) owing to my disabilities. I don't really want to get someone through an...
hi everyone, just thought i'd give a quick update. I am now, amazingly, 19 weeks pregnant. Still in a state of shock. I went for my anomaly scan today and the baby was lying in the wrong position to...
i booked my holiday today for the end of june. not a question i know but i am so excited i can't keep it in :):) to make it a question - does anyone know any good guesthouses/hotels in weymouth near...
hi, since i have found out i'm preggers i am trying to eat healthily. I am really trying to get my 5 a day in, but would like to know 2 lings 1) do baked beans and lentils count? 2) i have been having...
just wanted to let you know that everything still seems to be going fine and i am 12 weeks today. Although i am still spotting and bleeding up till now, have not had any for the last 36 hours and am...
hi, i need some advice please. As part of an organisation i help run, we are running gig which will be attended by both adults (mainly) and some children. We are hiring some of the sound equipment...
ok, i need to wash my hair BUT i only have "brilliant vrunette" shampoo and "chamomile for blondes" conditioner. Will this cause some sort of horrific matter/anti matter explosion...
long time ago since i was in school!
i have a bill for £600 including vat and i need to work out how much it would be exclusive of vat (at 17.5%) dont even know where to start!...
hi, i am rubbish with dates, but got round to thinking yesterday that i hadn't had a period for a bit of time, so i did a pregnancy test and was completely stunned when it was positive. I did the...
Hi, i am travelling by train for the first time in about 12 years this week to go to a work conference. I will be travelling from Reading to Bristol temple meads leaving Reading at 7.57 am. Since i...
Hi, need some inspiration for nxt year, so if everyone would like to tell me where thye are planning to go, i would be grateful as inspiration may well strike me!
hi, i got a slow cooker for christmas. I have wanted one for a while as i like the idea of putting it on before i g to work and having a meal ready when i get home. However, it came with a small...