I have tried just about every site I can think of in an attempt to find my Dad. I'm a 22 year old female and have not seen him for about twelve years...I hear he moved to New Zealand (not sure if this...
We have a star rating for answers, 1 star, 2star and 3 could we not add 1 gold star only recommened by the author to the ED for him/her to decide yes or no, the one with the most gold stars after one...
How did the reaction of New England Federalists to the War of 1812 demonstrate the volatility of American politics, the divergence of sectional interests, and the fragile nature of the Union?
G?M?A Augustea sardonyx cameo depicting the apotheosis of Augustus etc. T??E??? Comic dramatist of ancient Rome - wrote - Self Tormentor. ?E????L West African replublic with president Abdolaye Wade.