Who will be the next NE team to win a trophy ? will it be one of the BIG two .( Sunderland & Boro ) Or shearers girl guides ? lets face it if it wasn't for our championship trophy every couple of...
If an aeroplanre needs to be going, for example 200 miles per hour to take, and you were able to put the plane on a treadmill running at the said speed. Would the plane take off?
Has anyone noticed how tuna has lost it's flavour over the past few years? It used to be so moist and full of flavour but is now tasteless, tough, dark in colour, too fishy, too salty or tastes of...
Hi folks, I've just completed Saturdays big Crossword in the DR and sat back to admire my work ONLY to discover I wrote it upside down. My question IS do I dump it or take a chance and sent it in?
rig a gross milk float for a conveyor of birthday presents two words 9 4 Looks like an anagram but i can't see what the answer is Help gratefully welcomed
Hello everyone, I'm new to answerbank and would just like to ask who is your favourite premiership manager? I think Jose is lovely, and i also like stuart pearce hes quite ruggered
1. Rig a gross milk float for a conveyer of birthday presents (9,4) -i---c--- --r- 2because of which you not worried if the stock market falls out of bed (2,4) i- c--- 3. heard the circle could stab...
I'm down to two questions on this quiz but I'm not really happy with these answers. 1. One for the mathematicians (7) Lottery? 2. A score draw (6-6) Treble Chance? or has anyone any better ideas...
am stuck on the following clues, mum set about your friends - 5 letters - ??s?s he may be called back to fight - 9 letters - r???e?i?? sign of a takeaway - 5 letters - ??n?? think all the letters i've...
Rev. Blair's mouthpiece spins a lot, brainwashes - devious Alastair's head must go! 2,7,6,4 S_ / A_B_O_ _ / _A _I _H / _E_ _ If first two are "St. Ambrose" then last letter of last word is E ie S_ /...