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Place including a Swiss department (9) ?a?e?l?t? Thank you in anticipation
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Can anyone help with these please, thank you. Driving me mad! 1904 TBGO 1929 EMRWAQOTWF 1930 FSTBTML 1933 KKS 1956 TCTSE 1959 AAS 1960 USSDLD 1975 TTADIC
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What are the next 3 letters in this well known date sequence: A, E, A, P, A ?
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18 down "spirit obtained from rubber" ?e??? (5) 17 down "old comedian still growing?" l?u??? (6). This might be Lauder, but I don't know why. 21 across "credit card for going round clubs, always...
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cryptic clue, the answer is a type of bird (number of letters unknown). "keep the pressure on to alert the deaf"
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Please can anyone help with the third US company (Category 1), I have no idea of either of the pictures! 

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