As a bit of a straw poll, what experience have people had with browser software. I have had some recent problems with IE6 so I loaded Netscape 7.0. It solved the original problem but seems to have...
In contrast to central London buses and most trains in the South East, buses in London suburbs seem to be replaced with brand new models every year or two. 1 - Why (if they can last much longer)? 2 -...
When does an activity ceases to be a sport. Can we still really refer to the America's cup as a sport? There is no way anyone can affort to participate unless you're a billionnaire.
does anybody know who the tv presenter who alledgedly raped ulrika is ?. perhaps we should stick to initials only (for legal reasons)!![AB Editor - Note - for legal reasons, all postings have been...
Does anyone know (perhaps AB Editor would care to anser this) what the webstats are for answer bank, i.e how many hits, page impressions and unique users does it attract on a weekly/monthly basis?
Can anyone offer some advice please? My PC has developed a problem recently. Internet Explorer takes ages to load up, and I am having severe problems with links when it 'lock ups' & displays the...
I reckon if they brought back a few of the old popular characters, they could get back a lot of the lost audience. Bring back Barry Grant, Mick Johnson, Sinbad, the lot of 'em. And boot out the...
I've been listening to radio 2 for a couple ofyears now and a friend asked who my favourite DJ was i didn't know, then i got to thinking about the regulars on the ansabank. So who are your fave DJ's?