I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated. 3d Law or right to use another's property for personal gain on the condition that it remains undamaged (8) - I have ?S?F?U?T
I am stuck on three today - any help appreciated. Phrase from French meaning an aftertaste (5-4) - I have A????-?O?T. 11a Horn-like part or process (5) - I have C???U. 13a Small private room (6) - I...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 30d City in the Copperbelt region of Zambia and Zimbabwe (5) - I have N?O?A 54a First director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, who is credited with...
17d advice to european to proceed with caution t?p??? 24a with no attempt at concealment, devouring a cold ham ??e?a?t 22a accordingly you are pronounced embittered ?o?r 18a finish off some hard stuff...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 10a From the Latin meaning "dark brown or dusky", clothes worn with academic gowns during matriculation, examinations and other formal occasions such as...
Has anyone got the answer to wordfinder? My anagram solver can't find anything. I thought it was sex in the city but 2 letters are wrong (D & A).
I am stuck on one today (cryptic) and one (GK): any help appreciated. Cryptic - 1d In Paris, I've left prison (4) - I have ?A?L GK - 19a Shakespearean word for a person entitled to a coat of arms (8)...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. Cryptic 2790 - 4d Be smarter than old fool after university (6) - I have U?T?I? GK 1167 - 10a Relating to part of the iris of the eye (5) - I have U?E?L...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 41d Medieval knight's warhorse (8) - I have ?E?T?I?R 46a Any one of the ridges between the sulci on the cerebral cortex of the brain (5) - I have ?Y?U?