I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated. 21a Section of the brain between the cerebral cortex and midbrain; it regulates states of sleep and wakefulness (8) - I have T?A?A?U?
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 17d Of a sports player, never having been chosen as a member of a specific team (8) - I have U?C???E? 23a _ bracelet; type of wristlet similar to a loom...
I am stuck on two - any help appreciated. 7d Small decorative ornament or trinket such as a bauble (7). I have B?B?L?T 97d In horticulture, term meaning to graft a plant by uniting a branch without...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 15d Of the north side of the church choir (8) - I have C??T?R?S 23a Structure on bridge to break or ward off floating frozen water (3,5) - I have ICE...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 16d Any of a series of Hindu treatises written in Sanskrit (9) - I have UP?N???A? 26a Abnormal dryness of skin, eyes, mouth etc. (7) - I have X?R???S
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 19d Apochromatic lens inventor (4) - I have A?B? 24a Insoluble protein acting as a glue-like substance during the process of blood clotting (6) - I have...
I am stuck on two today - any help appreciated. 25d Name of the black mare given to the Queen in 1969 that became her favourite Trooping horse (7) - I have ?U?M?S? 33d Philosopher and poet in British...
I am stuck on one today - any help appreciated. 45d Cyclist who set a woman's world record when she pedalled almost 30,000 miles around the UK in 1938. I have ?L?M?N?