was a downpour this morning so i never opened the shop till lunchtime . stayed in bed and watched a dvd with clive owen. shoot em up. totally impossible but highly entertaining film full of action...
Well? http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?in_ar ticle_id=79052&in_page_id=34 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/715036 1.stm I'm not usually a 'stop selling' these clothes.... but it is a...
I thought my incredibly intelligent and literate friends on R&S might appreciate this - but sorry guys, the only connection I can make between religion and the joke is that I was once acquainted with...
My big toe on my left foot has been kind of dead for a couple of weeks, on the outer side. when I stretch my leg out I get pins and needles type pin-prick sensation in my toe. Any idea what this could...
I need to look for a room or house for myself soon in london (outer london fine too) but dont know where to begin. I am looking to pay about 300-400 pounds a month so I guess that wont take me very...
do you like the rain? its just started p1ssing down here and its lovely and cool. what was that boys one song summit about in the rain blah blah . you know the one ??
As a Pagan I'm often asked what I do at Xmas. Do you get this a lot, and do you feel the need to explain that Xmas started as a Pagan festival, about midwinter, birth of the sun god etc etc etc? Or do...
My boyfriend left for work in a horrible mood this morning, tried to ring me when he got to work-suprisingly at 5.45am i didnt answer and now has turned his phone off! I'm sure he does this just to...
Perhaps each persons name can be a link and when clicked takes you to a profile page which includes picture, real name, dob, hometown and maybe include something like hobbies, pastimes and topics most...
I bought some egg-mayonnaise rolls from the bakers for lunch today. Well I thought they were mayonnaise. When I got them home I discovered they wee made from salad cream instead. As a child I detested...
You are You. Would you leave your brain to be analysed if you had an inoperable brain tumour? Your partner doesn't want to think about.... in his/her words... a 'mad scientist' slicing you up. You...