16a. Undergarment (5). T - - - - 20a. Friend (5). A - - - - 44a. Use your authority (4,4). - U - L - A - K 14d. Without a clear purpose (6). - - - - - T 15d. Common phrase (6). - - - - - D Thanks in...
2d Tin wall conceals village near Duns [7] [l?n?l?w} 4d Alex Salmond has held The National (c?n??rsati??) to consult Scots about constitutional change.(12) 7d English word for cispone,sounds like an...
For Dothawkes and Craft. I have been trying to locate my grandfather;s date of birth from the Royal Irish Rifles. His army number was 3/23128/83 and fought in the first world war,but I have been...
hi can anyone help me pls!!!!! 12 across - highly unsuccessful? ???A?T?O?S 30 across - horses track? ?R?D?E?A? 41 across - curt behaviour? ?L???N?S? 50 across - obligate yourself beyond your limits?...
How can I set up this printer to print Envelopes? I am using the windows office org writer.The manual is not too good for explaining this problem. Thanks
10a builtc, Scots for rickety or poorly collapse to irk lice 13ac [anag](7)(r??????) 12Ac.Natter,nyatter or nip his heid! (3) 13ac Name given to Inverness Prison`s notorious punishment cells(5)...
I thought those amongst you who regularly do the m.o.s. puzzles may be interested in the folllowing. I e-mailed the m.o.s. re the cost of sending the puzzles back and asked if, as they were all going...
15ac Forby, an a` (2-4) (?s-W?/l) 29ac Type of lettering left in Orkney by the vikings(5) (r?n?s) 12ac Notorious criminal Walter Scott (E?l?s) is it ellis ?