This poor, poor child. This will haunt her for the rest of her life. Bless her heart. =/news/2008/01/13/npamphlet113.xml&CMP=ILC-mos tviewedbox
All I need is one ABer who, like me, thought he died twenty or so years ago. I can not be alone in this notion, surely? Just learnt he is alive and well and 92 years old living on the Isle of Mann....
Can anybody tell me if there is anywhere in England that has not seen rain ALL day. It was raining when I got up. It was raining when I went to work It was raining when I finished work It is raining...
I was quite surprised to hear on the wireless earlier that geneticists are just as interested in the fathers genes of woman with breast cancer as the mother. This is a recent thing, as it was before...
This Banksy character. Is he not just a vandalising chav with a little bit more talent than the average spray painter? Fair enough he may be making some social comment, but the same san be said of the...
Last week we had the Pakistani cricket board moan about the result whereby THEY forfeited the game against England. It took them all of ten minutes to cite racial discrimination against Daryl Hare...
Good old BBC. 8 people after 4 places. The token black guy and an Asian woman amongst the 8. What a surprise they both got through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not expect any replies, but just making...
Is it me or are his most famous roles in Rebus, Messiah and The Vice all the bloody same!!!! I really can't decide whether he is a good gritty actor or a trifle repetitive. Any views?
What kitchen gadget has had the least usage in your home and in hindsight was a real waste of money or naff present? I have a pizza slicer that was used maybe once and a yoghurt maker still in its box...
If Oliver Cromwell was reincarnated today and held the same principles and politcal/religious views but in a contempory setting 1) What political party would he vote for? 2) What religion would he...
I am watching Jolly Boys Outing (Only Fools, UKTV Gold+1, now). Now I have been members of various lodges and socieities over the years but have never been on, what is colloquially known as, a "Jolly...
I hear quite often that people say it would not matter if their partner was unattractive. Qualities such as warmth and personality are much more important. These sentiments tend to come from women,...
Does the protagonist is this 2 minute ditty have a mother fixation or is he just a little strange. After all little Sally was lovely, but cooking leaves her in a maze....
Infantalism whereby adult like to be young kids is indeed a strange fetish. As long as they don't harm kids however, I suppose it's OK. So is this song an announcment of infantalism or just a sweet...
As we are discussing the merits of lyrics, may I suggest you have a quick listen to this. Kiddy Fiddler or just a lonely old soldier? The mind boggles.
I have a brand new car but the air con smells almost fishy. I only picked it up yesterday and the show room is closed today. It is working very well and powerfully and I have checked fluid levels. Any...