hey people, i need your advice! basically my mum has let my bf move in for the last 4 months as he had nowhere else to go. it was fine til recently but now he only comes home to eat, shower and sleep....
Dear AB Editor You were kind enough to answer my question yesterday on the 'Report Function Review' thread. But although it doesn't appear to have been banned, it's gone! Do we have gremlins, evil...
before I sign out for the last time ever, I wondered if anyone else thought it was strange for soneone who claimes to have been a former officer in the Intelligence Corps to have compromised his...
I'm sorry about the tone of this question - very bitchy and I disapprove of myself for asking it - but do any of you think Kate Moss is attractive? She reminds me of a girl at school who smelled of...
What's your favourite videogame and why? Much as I've enjoyed current gen gems, my faves are still some of the SNES classics namely Super Mario World and maybe Donkey Kong too.
i havent been able to go to the toilet for nearlly a week and a half!! i got some tablets to help but nothing happend at all! i feel really bloated and my belly is really pumped up! its not painfull...
I have moved to Essex from Oxfordshire and I have to say, I can't believe how rude some of the girls are here. They will shut a door in your face, virtually push you out the way to get past and just...