Have you noticed when approaching queue in supermarket the person coming up beside you will walk quicker to get it front of you and when you press the button for pedestrian crossing the next person...
Wondered who was ringing me earlier tonight but soon twigged I was being fonejacked. Has anyone else had this happen yet since the tv programme aired.?
You have to laugh at some of the adverts eg Wrinkle cream for Jane Fonda who has had plastic surgery. Stair lifts for people obviously fit as butchers dogs. Cellulite cream for 20 years olds with...
I have been watching this programme and my heart goes out to all these cats and dogs. I have 2 cats Puss is a moggie from the RSPCA he is 18 years old, my other cat Boots is 14 years old also just a...
I am 8 days over due and going crazy, I was told to eat pineapples and spicy foods , I have done that , was told to have sex , did that and still no baby....i'm booked in for a membrane sweep...
On our local news today there was a woman who threw a kitten up & down the stairs several times then shot it through the eye with an air rifle.It was all filmed on a mobile.It was shown on the news &...
what is your favourite fish where did you buy your Brillo pads have you ever played badminton have you ever been on a pogo stick what colour is your car can you make that noise thing with a blade of...
Are the housemates frightened of Charley it certainly looks like it. She the most miserable argumentive ,can't make out a word she says at times.Thought most would have voted her out this week.She's...
Tongue :( Thats what i have! *cries* I have the doctors tomorrow morning, but just wondering if any one has any other ideas what it could be! It doesnt hurt but is really making me feel eugh because...
Why do we love people who don't deserve us? I'm a kind,sensible and mature young lady but my girlfriend(I'm lesbian) is a total loser.I don't mean that in a nasty way but she is selfish and...