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Extract from the British Naval Records, (undated). Message received by an American vessel headed South West, "We would advise that you alter your course 15 deg westerly in order to avoid a...
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Am getting spiders in my conseratory and my wife cant stand the sight of them. How can I deter the little blighters?...
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Is it old-fashioned to say "I beg your pardon"?
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22 kittens & a mum cat all with cat flu dumped in a box & left! Had to put them all in one pen as we have no space! All are responding to medication & mum is adoreable.
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She's not bothered about the knickers but she wants the 12 pegs back.
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It hits the Caribbean nations, it gets 30 seconds on the news. Now, as it heads for the US coast, the rolling news channels are spending hours on it, live press conferences from the NY mayor. Sat from...
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Many years ago I recall one of the International Health Organisations speaking about the very serious nature that cases of malaria were becoming an epidemic. It was then found that by undertaking to...
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stevie m
just recently my internet connection keeps dropping off, never had a jot of a problem before. When I rang the ISP (talk Talk) they seemed to come up with the solution that my router was on the way...
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This was posted to me the other day, Thought it good enough to share with you all. Banned from Sainsberry.s. Didn't like shopping there anyway. Yesterday I was at my local Sainsburry store buying a...
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Have recently learnt that I will become one in the next 6 months. Should I practise being dignified and intimidating or just stick to what I know?
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By which I mean, the importance of manners, being kind to others and animals, having self-respect and decorum, benevolence etc. .... well, you know what I mean. All emphasis now seems to be on 'being...
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Almost every single person who reads this, I'm sure will have at one time or another remarked on their own, or someone else's, luckiness or unluckiness. My question is, has anyone ever worked out who...
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think this is odd. And I'm yet to convince the license people I haven't got one. 'You have a TV and are watching it at the moment' they say 'come in and knock yourselves out trying to find it' said I...
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I take it that there are people from other parts of the world members of this site, what are your views on the posts that you read on here? are they interesting, cr@p, helpfull.
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That's what someone said to me yesterday. And I hate Xmas.... :0( Never been a good time for me in recent years so I really do not enjoy it. Sorry....
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Sadly this week we had to make the painful decision to have our little 7 year old cat Cheeky put to sleep he had heart failure and was gradually getting worse. We couldn't watch him suffer and his...
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Hello all, Has anyone lived with messy people or family? I'm a guy and have lived with my partner and her 3 kids for over 13yrs and her mess has just broke me down.I constantly have to argue with her...
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I've been getting this from my mom and step dad since i was a kid,my step dad is now past away for almost 8 years now,I'm almost 26 and still get my mom to scream cuss words at me when she's mad it...
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I have a PC running on Windows 7 and Fire-fox 6 (I think that is the latest one). My mouse has a scroll wheely thingy on it and it isn't working today. I didn't realise how often I use it until it...
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Has anyone ever used silk or any other kind of thermal underwear? Can you recommend any? Thanks...

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