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Paddy says "Mick, where are you going for your holidays?" Mick says "Majorca". Paddy says "No, it's prounced 'Ma-yorca', the J is silent". Mick said "oh, right." Paddy says "When are you going?" Mick...
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Police have confirmed that 2 Premiership footballers have been burgled on the same night, Ryan Giggs lost 70 Wales caps, 10 Premiership medals, 2 Champions League medals, 5 FA Cup medals, 1 League Cup...
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is this normal? i started a new job a few months back and have been invited to a few things like paintballing etc but have alsways either been skint or its been inconvenient. this time i was thinking...
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None of my pg up, pg dn, end or home buttons move page in Firefox , it's fine in i.e . I can move with up/down arrows & dragging the bar, any ideas pls gents
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just had jehovahs witnesses wasting my hard earned time off on the sick!! Just a thought, but isn't it time we bannned religion here in england. I only mean the stupid ones - but then thats all of...
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A man was gardening one day and came across a snail. The man picked up the snail and tossed it away. A month later, the man was inside his house when he heard a knock at the door. The man opened the...
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I have purchased a Toshiba 250GB 2.5 inch portable hard drive. At the moment all I have backed up on this drive are 'My Documents'. Can one also back-up all one's programmes Micosoft Office etc,...
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Pure class this -
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Should the title for MP's "The right honourable" be scrapped? Recent MP's behaviour is neither "Right" or "Honourable"
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I am a newbieeeeeeeeeeeee please be niceeeeeeeeeeee to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Been meaning to ask this for ages but it was news a while ago , The morning before the G20 was held several people were arrested in an armoured car of some description with police uniforms .I don't...
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During this horrible swine flu pandemic, has there been any mention in the British press about Stephen King's The Stand?'ll know why I ask. Ta Muchly.

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